The freshwater drum is 10 inches in length. Henshead are omnivorous and feed on a wide variety of plants and animals, including insects, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, seeds, fruits, nuts, berries, roots, tubers, grasses, sedges, shrubs, trees, vines, weeds, flowers, fruit, eggs, larvae, moths, butterflies, beetles, wasps, ants, spiders, ticks, fleas, snails, slugs, lizards, snakes, frogs, toads, salamanders, centipedes, crayfish, sea urchins, crustaceans, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, octopuses, squid, clams, oysters and mussels. The flesh is firm and juicy, with a rich, nutty flavor. Most commercial landings occur in North Carolina and Florida, but they live all along the East Coast of the United States. Many sheepshead have been caught off piers by hobbyist fishermen. I don’t think you need to worry about them if you cook them and don’t eat them raw. The sheepshead parasites include ciliates, nematodes, trematodes, and isopods. Smith, a professor of marine biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was not involved in the study. It’s just a very, very small fish,” said Dr. The fish won’t bite on your hand unless you bother them.

The toothy sheepshead jaw may scare people unfamiliar with the fish, but they pose no threat to humans. Are black drum and sheepshead the same?.Why does sheepshead fish have human teeth?.