zotero plugin per forum and on github here - no documentation at all at the moment (although it seems people are using it, so I may just be particularly dumb :-)).This approach has cool potential, and there’s a great guide using this approach on setting up for academic writing using pandoc mgmyers zotero obsidian integration plugin - using that with the classic zotero selector you can select multiple items, following template description.md and then import into Obsidian (no continuous updating) per this discussion on the zotero forums or here on the obsidian forums and here - I’m ok with this approach but I’m not clear what functionality is working in md notes, and for me at least the menus don’t appear in Zotero ( per bug report ) The md notes zotero plugin which acts as a bridge, through it you should be able to one-off export to.the cites plugin discussed here too, but it’s a wholesale move of notes to obsidian On Zotero side, the general export doesn’t include tags, Better Notes plugin is cool, but it seems not to scale well so for a collection it falls over.

create a table of notes tagged ‘researchquestion’ by item. I want to do that because then we can keep the link between notesource really tight in Zotero, and between metadataknowledge-structuring really tight within Obsidian and use dataviews to e.g. I’d like to export the notes with tags + parent metadata + any images in the notes. I have a group Zotero library in which we create notes from annotations + tag the notes.

I posted on discourse but have realised it’s probably not the best structure for the question. Zotero notes-with-tags and embedded images What I’m trying to do